The Collection

The Atelier-Museum Júlio Pomar collection includes several hundred works donated by the artist to the Júlio Pomar Foundation, and now on loan at Atelier-Museum, as well as works acquired by that institution over the years to enhance the understanding of the work of an artist who his seminal for the history of Portuguese art.

This collection – which includes painting, sculpture, drawing, ceramics, collage and assemblage – is unique in the panorama of Portuguese visual arts in that it shows the trajectory of an artist who experienced different eras, periods and political contexts, as he absorbed, and simultaneously broke with, various artistic influences. The collection at once builds and integrates a part of art history, from neorealism to the full embracing of modernity, thereby mirroring his conquest of artistic autonomy and evolution.

Aside from artworks, the items loaned by Júlio Pomar Foundation to Atelier-Museum include a documental and bibliographic collection featuring hundreds of images, books and catalogues, newspaper articles and other historical records, which have been complemented and enriched by additional documents and information compiled by the museum.

The Atelier-Museu Júlio Pomar collection covers a vast range of works that cannot be displayed in a single exhibition but is broken down across regular shows alongside a programme of complementary, practical and theoretical activities involving architects, artists, curators, thinkers and the general public. The exhibitions’ programme privileges the collection, but also resorts to loans of seminal works in Júlio Pomar’s production, featuring sections of the collection, illustrations for books, decorative arts, which confirm the plural dimension of the work of Júlio Pomar.

Explore more than 500 pieces of our collection:

© Luísa Ferreira / AMJP

© António Jorge Silva / AMJP

© Luísa Ferreira / AMJP

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